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Boosting Core Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness

Tangible. Measurable.

Mosaics is a holistic, cloud-ready platform that boosts the core operational efficiency and effectiveness of enterprises while seamlessly integrating with their existing legacy systems and fully unlocking them for GenAI initiatives.

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Core, Holistic, and Task-Driven Sets Mosaics Apart

  • Core: Mosaics is designed to enhance enterprises' core, subject-matter-specific operational processes.


  • Holistic: It covers every step of the core processes—end-to-end.


  • Task-Driven: It replaces data manipulation with optimized task execution.


Is this a big deal for your business?

Operational inefficiency and ineffectiveness?

Dependency on legacy systems?

Reliance on users’ expertise?

Barriers to GenAI initiatives?

Inability to transform core systems to the cloud?

We believe it is:

Operational efficiency and effectiveness are top priorities on the strategic agenda of all insurance incumbents, other financial institutions, and enterprises in general.


Legacy systems, which still run 70% of all IT workloads globally, are a major hurdle to operational efficiency, modernization, and innovation efforts.


Managing complex operations, ensuring accuracy, regulatory compliance, and mitigating risks requires the high expertise of the operating teams.


Generative AI (GenAI) has immense potential to transform the financial industry, making it imperative to keep pace or risk being left behind.


Cloud transformation is now a fundamental element of any strategic roadmap.


The Value In Action: Real-Life Case Study

Inefficient, To Say the Least

10 seconds

25-minute process + 60-page Procedures & Rules book.

Poor User Experience.

40 outdated legacy screens and 5 unlinked applications.

Inevitable data entry errors, inaccurate decisions, and non-compliance with company rules and regulations.

Numerous manual tasks and excessive document handling.

Extensive learning curve and heavy reliance on expertise.

With Mosaics:
Task-Driven, Optimized Operational Process

10 seconds

Takes only 5 minutes. 5 times faster!

Only 1 application with only 3 screens.

No manual tasks and optimized document handling.

Company rules and regulations are embedded.

Quick to learn, no expertise needed.

Underlying legacy system fully integrated. 100% non-intrusively.

Mosaics Product Suite

Mosaics Users Accelerator

Task-Driven Human-Interface for ultimate productivity and quality of performance.

Mosaics Legacy Runner

Non-intrusive, low-code legacy integration platform.

Mosaics Operations Optimizer

End-to-end streamlined operational infrastructure.


Mosaics Users Accelerator

Task-Driven Human-Interface for Ultimate Productivity and Quality of Performance

Business analysts provide specifications focusing on the business and operational standpoint, while ignoring existing applications and data models.


Mosaics generates a task-driven human interface:


  • The shortest path, which spans all applications and tools in use, reflects the optimal way to perform a task.


  • At each step, users enter only the required input that cannot be accessed automatically and see only the information relevant to subjective decision-making or sharing.


  • All intermediate steps where no user discretion is required are handled automatically. This includes all organizational knowledge, rules, and regulations.


It provides an unmatched user experience, based on a built-in UX design rulebook for enterprise applications, with no client-side code whatsoever.

Task Driven Human Interface

A Prerequisite for Efficiency and Effectiveness

An Outdated Approach, Persistent Inefficiency

Many core operational systems are built on concepts that have remained unchanged for the last 40 years, since the dawn of computerization:

“Applications are menu-driven, leading to screens for data entry, viewing, and updating data representing business entities.”

This approach is an insurmountable obstacle to improving efficiency.

It’s Time to Evolve

No worry – the existing applications can and even should remain in place. Their logic and databases are just fine.


The breakthrough hides in changing the point of view:


The role of employees is to perform tasks, not to manipulate data.

Mosaics Legacy Runner

Non-Intrusive, Low-Code Legacy Integration Platform

A Simple Solution to Complex Challenges

Hours to implement a complex service by analysts with only user-level familiarity with the legacy system and junior developers who do not need any prior knowledge of it.

Threefold value proposition:

  • Dramatic cost reduction.

  • Eliminated backlogs.

  • Low risk and high availability.

From "Services" to "Full Service"

Ultimately, a “service” is expected to replicate the functions that users would manually perform on the legacy system.

A Business Analyst runs this “user journey,” providing high-level instructions to a virtual new user.

A developer implements these instructions, which require minimal coding.

Mosaics handles the rest: testing, deployment, execution, and automatic detection of updates to legacy systems.

Legacy systems remain 100% untouched, without exception.

Mosaics Operations Optimizer

Digital Enterprise – Beyond Data Entry and Analysis

End-to-End Streamlined Operational Infrastructure

Configurable to reflect precise operational tasks.


Covers the entire spectrum of operations beyond the application itself.


Automates all tasks that do not require human intervention.


Provides integrated, unified façade.


Remember: Holistic. Core. Task-Driven

We are not RPA

RPA tools are designed to automate repetitive workflows across applications that do not require human intervention. Implementation requires significant time and resources, and adjustments are necessary for every change in existing workflows and any modifications to the user interface. Even in the best-case scenario, these tools typically cover less than 10% of core operational processes.​
In contrast, Mosaics covers the entire operational environment:

  • Mosaics automates the intermediate steps in tasks that require human intervention and discretion to the smallest granularity.​

  • It automates all interactions with legacy systems at relevant points in these tasks.​

  • ​It also automates all manual tasks where applicable.​​​

  • ​It embeds and automates company rules and procedures that traditionally exist only in users’ minds

​Every task developed with Mosaics is automatically prepared for full automation once digital input is provided, and it remains so even when the workflow and the user interface change.

We are not a Low-Code UI Builder

These platforms require front-end programmers, and the quality of the user experience (UX) depends on the skills and commitment of the system analysts and programmers. Building a truly optimal user experience cannot be achieved within time or budgetary constraints.


Mosaics’ human interface requires no client-side developers whatsoever.


It is automatically generated, adhering to a built-in UX design rulebook specifically tailored for enterprise applications. This ensures consistency, intuitiveness, simplicity, and easy navigation while minimizing the chances of errors.


It provides a unified interface that spans all applications in use, focusing on tasks rather than disjointed systems.


All supporting tools are integrated, sharing a consistent look and feel, and are designed for optimal efficiency. These tools encompass task management, document viewing and handling, preparation of outgoing letters, and more.

We are not BPM

Only a very few BPM tools aim to support the core operational processes themselves, where the real need for efficiency and effectiveness is most critical.


They greatly streamline the workflow between users; however, when it comes to the core operating team, this impacts only a small percentage of the overall work.


They disregard how the users themselves perform their tasks. This is left to the existing applications.


The UI building toolkits they provide are not built for heavy-loaded screens with extensive subject-matter and regulatory logic that reflect complex data models. It’s also important to note that they are still designed to allow users to manipulate data rather than optimize how those users execute their tasks.


​Building a smoothly integrated workbench with a unified look and feel – encompassing task boards, application UIs, document and letter viewers – is costly and complex, and in practice, it rarely happens.

We do not create APIs or Web Services

They require top subject-matter experts—typically the busiest—and they interfere with legacy code, often duplicating some of its logic.


Implementation takes weeks or longer for an average-to-complex service. The process is complex and maintenance-heavy, resulting in large budgets and endless backlogs.


Mosaics is 100% non-intrusive and low-code. It allows a complex service to be implemented in hours by analysts with only user-level familiarity with the legacy system and junior developers.


It offers a threefold value proposition:


1. Dramatic cost reduction.


2. Eliminated backlogs.


3. Low risk and high availability.

About Us

Yuval Moneta, Founder & CEO:

  • LinkedIn

"We founded the Company based on over three decades of profound experience in understanding how applications and technologies impact enterprise businesses.


Over time, we became experts:


  • Gaining deep knowledge of enterprises, their business processes, and operations.


  • Mastering both modern and legacy applications and technologies.


  • Leading numerous modernization projects.


  • Understanding the nuances of how employees interact with enterprise applications.

We invented Mosaics."

Contact Us


+972 (52) 854-2450

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